Το κλιμάκιο αποτελούνταν από την Γενική Γραμματέα Ανθρώπινου Δυναμικού Δημοσίου Τομέα κ. Βιβή Χαραλαμπογιάννη και τους Βουλευτές Λάρισας κ. Χρήστο Κέλλα και Μαγνησίας κ. Κωνσταντίνο Μαραβέγια καθώς και τον πρόεδρο της ΔΕΕΠ Πιερίας κ. Χαράλαμπο Μπρουσκέλη και τον αναπληρωτή διοικητή του ΑΧΕΠΑ και...
Food pallet from Magic Mission (Canada) BENJAMIN Child Support Society received with great joy, on July 28nth 2022 the food pallet sent by the Support Committee for Children’s Institutions of Greece “Magic Mission”. The regular and long-term help of Magic Mission to BENJAMIN is of the utmost...
The president Mr. Aris Petridis and the Board of Directors of the BENJAMIN Child Support Society warmly thank the businessman Mr. Ioannis Doumos for his generous financial support to the association.The recognition, on his part, of our efforts to protect and relieve the children who need us, is...
A commendable initiative was taken by the teachers, students (toddlers – toddlers) and their parents at the Arsakeia – Tositseia Kindergartens of Ekali where 124 toddlers and pre-toddlers attend 7 classes, 4 classes for toddlers and 3 classes for pre-toddlers. Every year these...
A commendable help for BENJAMIN came from a few thousand kilometers away from Brussels. More specifically, parents of children from the Greek section of the kindergartenof the European School of Brussels (https://www.eeb3.eu/en/universe/the-school/ ) collected an amount and deposited it with the...
The BENJAMIN’s President and the Board of Directors would like to thank the president and the board members of the Playground Association or achieving our cooperation with Social Plate. An important initiative that ensures the continuous supply of fruits and vegetables to the beneficiary...
Another important activity for the summer months is the start of our camp program and the participation of the children supported by BENJAMIN in it. Our main concern is to cover the children’s summer holidays expenses, so that they can rest, play and have fun in a safe environment.To learn...
Mapping and Evaluation of Non-Profit Organizations in Greece The innovative and ambitious project “THALIS Evaluation of Greek Non-Profit Organizations (NGOs)” has as its main objective the study of the ecosystem of NGOs in Greece and – on a more practical level – their...
The summer celebration for the children of our Association was successfully held on Saturday 28/08/21. Games, music and laughter filled the FC Playzone sports center that hosted us. During the celebration, our little friends had the opportunity to joyful moments but also to enjoy various...
BENJAMIN Child Support Society organizes a charity bazaar of school supplies and many more beautiful products in Central Square at Katerini. If you are looking for school supplies for your children ahead of the new school year, in our bazaar you will find notebooks (classic, spiral, etc.), utility...
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