
BENJAMIN’s purpose is to support children in their single-parent family environment until they reach adulthood. For this purpose, the allocation of financial / material and social resources to support single-parent families in their natural environment is prioritized, in order to avoid its dissolution as children should, if possible, grow up within their family.

The Goal ofBENJAMIN is that these children should not live and face the difficulties of life like those the founders of BENJAMIN had lived during the hard years of their orphan childhood Of course the conditions are changing. But the lack of parents, the parental care, the difficulty of copying with the everyday needs remain, stigmatizing the innocent child souls.
It is at that point where BENJAMIN intervenes offering love, care and supporting these children with food and many more things according to its capability.

Our targets

The DCC will operate as an provider of open & closed social care services for children in need or at risk

Creating a Day Care Center (D.C.C)

Finding financial child supporters

We are looking for people who will undertake the annual financial support of a child

Food bank viability

Meeting BENJAMIN’s food needs through partnerships with companies, individuals and supporters

Volunteer network development

Activation and support of a Network of Volunteers to assist actions that will help improve the daily conditions of those in real need.

To help even more children in need

all over the Greece

Organizing & conducting workshops / seminars

on matters of interest to both the benefiting single-parent families, their children and society in general