Act of Love from Children and parents from Athens to the BENIAMIN

A commendable initiative was taken by the teachers, students (toddlers – toddlers) and their parents at the Arsakeia – Tositseia Kindergartens of Ekali where 124 toddlers and pre-toddlers attend 7 classes, 4 classes for toddlers and 3 classes for pre-toddlers.
Every year these Kindergartens support organizations that aim to protect and help children who have financial, medical or emotional-psychological need. Now that they are back in school classrooms, τα the Kindergarteners και and toddlers, guided by their Kindergarten teachers, made and crafted diaries (each child made their own).

The parents then “bought” their child’s diary, offering an amount of money at their discretion. The parents of the children were informed that this year’s Act of Love is dedicated to the BENJAMIN Child Support Society
This action by the Arsakeia – Tosiceia Kindergartens of Ekali is very important as in addition to the significant material help they offer to BENIAMIN and the children, it also gives a strong social message, a message of love and interest from children to children who have financial and not only Needs

From BENJAMIN‘s big family the Board of Directors, the Staff as well as the benefiting children and their mothers, we sincerely thank the Arsakeia Tosiceia Kindergartens of Ekali (teachers, staff, Administration, parents and children) for their valuable help in our work and we hope that this initiative will find and other imitators for the sake of the children we support.

Sincerely The Board of Directors of BENJAMIN

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