BENJAMIN’s participation in the European BREED Program

BENJAMIN’s participation in the European BREED Program

BENJAMINChild Support Society participated from 7/3 to 9/3 participated in the European Program ΒREED together with representatives of institutions from EU countries such as Spain, Portugal, Belgium, Italy and Greece. The main objective of the program was the exchange of good practices and ideas. In the context of the meetings that took place, concerns were raised and solutions were sought for them. The common denominator of the concerns was the lack of stable funding which would allow the unwavering implementation of the work of each institution. In the context of the meetings, the concept of the social economy was analyzed and how each organization contributes or could in the future contribute to its development and expansion in the country where it is based. Another important issue that came to the fore was the social impact of housing. This issue was analyzed in the context of a workshop through which proposals related to social protection and housing in Valencia were sought.

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